EARPA Call for Young Researchers 2023 – Submission Extended

The EARPA Call for Young Researchers has been extended:
- Abstract submission and registration: 30 June 2023
- Author notification of acceptance: 20 July 2023
- Submission of concept elevator pitch presentation: 11 September 2023
- Half-day Pitch training: 17 October 2023
- Submission Final Pitch Presentation: 17 October before 20.00hrs.
Young Researchers from EARPA members are invited to attend the FORM Forum 2023 and present an elevator pitch on an innovative research topics in the context of the theme: “Transitioning Road Mobility – towards resilience and circularity in a digital world”. You can find all the information on the conference topic, as well as on the criteria and format can be in the document which can be downloaded HERE
Click here to download the template: Abstracts Template Young Researchers (docx | 16.23 KB)
EARPA would like to encourage Young Researchers to become more active and visible within EARPA and in the European Road Transport Research Community. As such, Young Researchers are given a platform at the FORM Forum 2023, where they can present their novel research ideas in the form of an elevator pitch of maximum 3 minutes. Elevator pitches are a form of presentation where ideas are presented in a very compact way, focusing on the main aspects of an idea. The audience should quickly understand the core of the idea.
The 4th FORM Forum 2023 will be held on 18 October 2023 at the Egg in Brussels, Belgium, and will be hosted by EARPA. The FORM Forum brings together stakeholders from industry, academia, and governments to share knowledge and ideas, ushering in a new era of automotive solutions for the next generation while also serving as a powerful motivator for the continued growth of the automotive industry and its contributors. EARPA cordially invites you to give a paper and visit the FORM Forum at the EGG Conference and Meeting Centre.