Japanese SIP-adus 2nd Phase: Final Results Report

The “Final Results Report” of the Japanese SIP-adus program is now published. It compiles the results and experiences of the SIP-adus over the past nine years. Access here the SIP-adus website.
The Japanese Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) aims to create new value, spur economic growth, and solve social issues by realizing Society 5.0, which is, achieving a high-level fusion of cyberspace and physical space. Led by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, it focuses on promoting research and development technologies at a basic research level as well as practical use and commercialization based on the technologies, by involving multiple government agencies and field.
As one of 12 SIP topics, SIP Automated Driving for Universal Services (SIP-adus) has contributed to research and development on common issues (in cooperative areas) concerning automated driving that require collaboration of organizations across government, industry, and academia.