Warm welcome to projects from the tripartite topic of CCAM, 2Zero and Cities’ Mission

The family of CCAM Partnership’s projects, resulting from the Horizon Europe Work Programme, has just been enlarged by the newly started projects:
- metaCCAZE – Flexibly adapted MetaInnovations, use cases, collaborative business and governance models to accelerate deployment of smart and shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freight
- MOBILITIES FOR EU – New MOBility solutions for clImate neutraLity in EU cITIES
They are both related to the CCAM Cluster 1 Large-scale demonstrations.
metaCCAZE accelerates the user-centred deployment of smart systems and services that combine electric automated and connected mobility and related infrastructure across European cities. metaCCAZE organizes a series of MetaDesign activities with multisector-stakeholders and different population groups to develop metadesigned shared zero-emission mobility use cases, collaborative business and governance models. A toolkit called MetaInnovations, is developed consisting of six main smart technologies (1. Align: grid supply-fleet-demand; 2. Harmonise: AI-Datawarehouse; 3. Charge: inductive automated charging; 4. Automate: i. remote control center, ii. Advanced Driver Assistance System; iii. 5. Connect: V2X protocols; 6. Manage & Operate: i. electric vehicle scheduling and demand; 6. Digital twin optimisation). MetaInnovations are pioneered in passenger and freight services (public transport, on-demand mini buses, bike sharing, deliveries) and related infrastructure (mobility and logistics hubs, traffic management centres, charging infrastructure) and widely demonstrated in 4 trailblazer cities (Amsterdam, Munich, Limassol, Tampere). Successful use cases, MetaInnovations and MetaServices are transferred, implemented and demonstrated in 6 follower cities (Athens, Krakow, Gonzo, Milan, Miskolc, Paris region). Demonstrations are monitored to ensure that their impact aligns with the MISSION and SUMP/SULP targets, and that the society embrace them. The MetaSkills Hub is developed and utilizes the lessons learned to deliver a series of cross-sectorial interactive training courses. The MetaPolicy Package is developed to contribute to updates of urban and transport policies and feed the strategic research and innovation agendas (SRIA) of CCAM, 2ZERO and other initiatives. metaCCAZE is a project, and an initiative to transition cities to the green metamobility era that the Green Deal, 2ZERO, CCAM, Mission and other EU partnerships envisage by 2030 and beyond.
MOBILITIES FOR EU aims at demonstrating that innovative passenger mobility and freight transport concepts designed and implemented following participative and user-center principles are cost-effective and feasible solutions to contribute significantly to the cities’ transformation towards climate-neutrality, allowing to speed up the process even to reach SCOPE 2 emissions reduction in 2030. Madrid (Spain) and Dresden (Germany) will implement 11 pilots comprising 27 very innovative solutions for mobility of people and freight, exploiting the combined potential of electrification, automation and connectivity, from the design to the implementation and evaluation stages acting as Lead Cities (LC). Both cities also ambition to act as pioneers of this process, taking advantage of multiple already existing initiates of social engagement and empowerment that will be integrated in the idea of Urban Transport Labs (UT-Labs), conceived as Innovation Hubs with the aim of fostering faster upscaling and replicability at EU level, making 5 Replication Cities (Ioaninna–Greece, Trencin–Slovakia, Espoo-Finland, Gdansk-Poland and Sarajevo-Bosnia&Herzegovina) through their own UT-Labs direct participants of the processes and later on main protagonists of their own designs.