Welcome to CCAM New Members

CCAM Association organised its General Assembly on 4 July 2023 in a hybrid format in Brussels and online, and proudly welcomed 18 new members:

Welcome to 18 new CCAM Members - logos

With these new additions, the Association membership count now stands at 214, demonstrating our commitment to driving innovation and shaping the future of mobility through CCAM technologies.

Furthermore, the CCAM Association is pleased to announce the inclusion of 2 new delegates who will contribute their expertise to the CCAM Partnership work:

  • Dr Per Olof Arnäs from Einride. Per Olof will fulfill the role of CCAM Partnership Board Delegate for the member category of Freight and logistics services and users.

Per Olof Arnäs from Einride - portrait

  • Aymeric Audige from the French Ministry of Transport. Aymeric will represent the member category of National Ministry in the CCAM Partnership Board.

Aymeric AUDIGE from the French Ministry of Transport - portrait