CCAM 5th General Assembly welcoming new members, a new vice chair and new delegates

CCAM General Assembly photos overview

The CCAM Association held its 5th General Assembly on 29 June 2022, in Brussels.

On this occasion, 10 new memberships were approved, bringing the number of CCAM members to 194 in total for this year (including 13 UK-based organisations). We look forward to our collaboration with our new members:

  • CEDEX, Spain
  • CNRS, France
  • Coventry University, UK
  • CSI, Italy
  • IVEX, Belgium
  • Otokar, Turkey
  • SAE Group Europe, Netherlands
  • Sensible 4, Finland
  • The City of Gdansk, Poland
  • University of Porto, Portugal

In replacement of Eckard Steiger who resigned from his position, the General Assembly elected Christian Scharnhorst (Bosch) as the new CCAM Vice-Chair, for the remaining of the Administration Board’s mandate until 2024. All the best to Eckard for his new duties and a warm welcome to Christian!

Additionally, the General Assembly approved the nominations of Adrià Ferrer (IDIADA) and Laurianne Krid (FIA) as Partnership Delegates, respectively from the membership category “Other services: insurance, maintenance, repair, etc.” and “Civil society representation”. Welcome to you both!

New Partnership Delegates 2022


During the meeting, participants were given updates on the latest and upcoming CCAM activities. They also had the opportunity to hear lively presentations on national plans for R&I in CCAM from Czech Republic, France, Malta and The Netherlands.

CCAM General Assembly speakers photos

The afternoon was devoted to interactive discussions on the CCAM strategy and the SRIA update. Participants were engaged in brainstorming sessions on two key topics:

  • Technology in the mobility system and cooperation with other partnerships
  • Large-scale demonstrations: needs and outlook

Thank you all for your active participation and valuable contributions!

CCAM General Assembly June 2022 Photos gallery of brainstorming workshops