FAME CCAM R&I projects workshop: 08/03

FAME is organising a public workshop in Brussels on Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 14:00-18:00 in conjunction with the CCAM Partnership Multicluster Meeting which will take place on 9 March (for members of the CCAM Association only). The EU-funded FAME project’s mission is to support the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership in coordinating CCAM R&I and testing activities in Europe.
The objectives of this workshop will be twofold:
- enable R&I projects concertation in support of the CCAM Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) update;
- gather the needs and feedback from R&I projects and the CCAM community on the Knowledge base and the Taxonomy which is being developed as part of the European Framework for Testing.
The European Framework for Testing on Public Roads and the EU-wide Knowledge Base developed and maintained by FAME constitute key tools for projects to set up and evaluate demonstrations, co-create and use harmonised methodologies and exchange best practices and lessons learned. The content of the Knowledge Base should also serve as a basis for the identification of future R&I and demonstration needs for updating the CCAM Partnership’s SRIA and developing future Horizon Europe Work Programmes in CCAM.
The first part of the workshop will discuss the needs and gaps for future large-scale demonstrations, building on experience and lessons learned from past and ongoing EU and national R&I, trials and demonstration projects. The outcome of this exchange will feed into the discussions for the SRIA update which will take place in the afternoon of the Multicluster meeting on the next day. The second part of the workshop will consist of an interactive discussion with the audience in breakout groups on the usability and future needs for the Knowledge Base and the Taxonomy. It will ensure the development of tools that best serve the CCAM community in Europe to set up, carry out and evaluate R&I and demonstration activities, paving the way for a harmonised deployment.
Intended audience includes representatives and experts from CCAM Partnership, Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020 as well as national or regional R&I, testing and demonstration projects.
Please fill in the online application form by 3 March. Detailed agenda to follow: check here the latest updates on the workshop programme.
For any question related to the event, please contact Justyna Beckmann (FIA) at jbeckmann@fia.com.