CCAM SRG met in Brussels

Upon the kind invitation of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the CCAM States Representatives Group (SRG) gathered on 8 February 2024 in Brussels. This meeting is open to representatives of the EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe. Representatives of 19 countries took part.
The CCAM SRG continued the discussion from the previous meeting on the eventual harmonization of the CCAM pre-deployment, and real-life demonstration testing regulations in different European countries. FAME project’s representatives provided an overview of the existing national regulations related to CCAM testing, and a summary of an interactive workshop that took place the day before, on 7 February. Participants were later briefed by a representative of EC DG MOVE on the new data-sharing requirements related to CCAM and stemming from the updated ITS Directive. Finally, the CCAM SRG discussed further cooperation on legal aspects and the High-Level Dialogue on CCAM meeting being organised from 18-19 June in Ghent.